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Turtle Citizen Scientist

Turtle populations arond the world are declining due to invasive species, desease, loss of habitats, road mortality, and climate change. Amilia and friends were able to volunteer as citizen scientist through a research project funded through the St. Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine.

"Take a walk with a turtle and behold the world in pause." - Bruce Feiler

We joined field researcher Keri from the St. Louis Zoo as she lead us on a field experience to gather research data on Alejandra, one of the three toed box turtles that call Forest Park home. We learned how to use a reciever to locate the transmitter signal attached to turtles being followed as part of an ongoing study of the heath and conservation of turtles in Missouri.

Field Data

We tracked our three toed box turtle through Forest Park and gathered health information to help with the ongoing study.

  • Turtle location (GPS, habitat)

  • Age

  • Male/Female

  • Weight

  • Health (eye, nose, and shell) check

  • Activity

Age and Male/Female determination

Similar to identifying the age of trees, turtle can be aged by counting rings or ribs in their shell. By counting ribs we were able to determine the approximate age of 13 years. To determine if we had located a male or female turtle we looked at two details, the bottom of the shell (flat for female, indent for male) and eye color (yellow/brown for female, red for male).

Get Inspired

Be a Citizen Scientist Help reserachers identify areas of high turtle mortality in the St. Louis region. Information collected will be used to help alert drivers of high turtle traffic crossings. The project goals can be found on their website Turtle Road Watch Citizen Science

  1. Identify areas of high turtle road mortality in the St. Louis region.

  2. Utilize data from the Turtle Road Watch project to help provide strategies to minimize negative interations between humans and turtles

  3. Designate and implement wildlife crossing assistance such as road crossing signs and/or construction of turtle underpassess at high risk roads.

photo by wildlife photographer, Steve Creek Three toed Box Turtle


Amilia's Critter Land

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