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Bee Swarms - Don't Try this at Home

Spring is bee swarm season and this year we saw a real life swarm! They are unbelievable to see up close and can be intimidating if you don't understand what they are.

"Kind words are like honey - Sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." - Proverbs 16:24 New Living Translation

Bee swarms are a good sign that the bees are healthy and are increasing their populations. The swarms, which happen in the spring after bees have overwintered are usually the result of a bee colony dividing. The swarm is a queen and group of worker bees looking for a new home. Bees in this stage are not protecting a hive and are normally docile. You can contact a local beekeeper to help capture and relocate the swarm.

As we talked to the beekeepers rehoming the swarm above they advised that when we are ready to set up our new hive there are two ways to get a colony. The first is to contact local beekeers, the second was to attract a passing swarm by applying some lemongrass oil to the opening of the hive. In researching the lemongrass oil, we found that the oil mimics the pheremone that honeybees produce.

Finding Support

When getting started it is importing to find help. You can find local beekeepers or in today's technological society you can tap into national resources. In addition to taking advantage of local clubs, we are planning to tap into The Honeybee Society's North American Natural Beekeepers (NANB). They have an annual subscription for $15 that includes a monthly 90 minute zoom meeting and a 4 part video course of Beekeeping basics:

  • Part 1: Getting Ready for Bees

  • Part 2: Colony Mechanics & Lifecycle

  • Part 3: Your First Inspection

  • Part 4: Pests & Diseases

Beekeeping as Therapy

The Bee Found organization focuses it's work to increase bee popultions by pairing it with mental health therapy for Vetrans and First Responders with PTSD. The Bees for Bravery program offers free hives, bees and mentorship to veterans and first responders suffering from PTSD.

Get Inspired

We were so excited in our research to find a female beekeeper! We knew that as we prepared to dive into the world of supporting pollinators that we wanted to have beekeeping equipment that was more fun and feminine. Everything we found was bland and boring until we found Kaylee Richardson of The Honeystead. Having someone who looks like us and is clearly in love with the art of beekeeping makes us feel like it is possible for us to figure out how to support and increase honey bee populations in our community.

"Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and learn something old" -Kaylee Richardson


Amilia's Critter Land

A blog of living things

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